Move Office Equipment Procedures
Moving IT related office equipment at Father Joe’s Villages is the sole responsibility of the Information Technology Department. Following these procedures ensures that equipment is moved to the correct location and set up appropriately.
All requests for office moves must be submitted at least two weeks in advance, to expedite the move. If you are contemplating any type of office move you must first check with your supervisor and receive his/her approval.
All office move requests must be submitted to our service desk ticket system(HappyFox) so that we can coordinate and schedule the move with the department. Once IT receives the service desk ticket we will discuss the move with the initiating department so we can plan accordingly. If furniture, desk, cabinets, etc. need to be moved, you must submit a separate ticket with Facilities and plan accordingly.
In the service desk ticket make sure to include the name of the supervisor that approved the move of equipment as well as CC them in the ticket. Please be as detailed as possible in the Message section. For example, if you have a staff member moving than please include the following information;
John Doe will move to “location” and “office”. John Doe will need his phone, computer, and monitor set up until office has been remodeled. Once the office has been remodeled, all equipment will need to be moved back to his old office by the end of the month.
IT will need to assess the move and discuss placement of equipment, relocation of services, and any expansion that might be required. With any move, you can expect a cost associated to the move as moving equipment many times requires added services, cabling, network configuration, power, etc.
We are confident that the following procedures will ensure a successful move for all departments, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email.