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Home > Information Technology Help Desk > Trainings > Create new Happyfox ticket
Create new Happyfox ticket
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1. Please open up an new browser in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.  The home page should be NeighborNet, you will need to login with your Microsoft 365 credentials, your username will be your [email protected] and your current network computer password.  Once logged into the Sharepoint NeighborNet site, go to the Resources tab and click on “Submit Happyfox Ticket”.


Example:  username:  [email protected], [email protected]


You can also get to the NeighborNet site,, by going to the FJV Favorites folder in the browsers.  Or go directly to



2. Please click on the Azure link.  If your credentials were saved in your browser, you can skip steps 3-5.



3. Put in your username for Microsoft 365, which is your [email protected]

Example:  [email protected] or [email protected]


4. Enter in your password for Microsoft 365, which is your password you use to login to the computer.



5. Click on No so you are not saving your credentials.



6. If this is the first time you are logging into Happyfox, then you may see the popup below.  For a new user, just go ahead and click “Confirm Account”.



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